In 2015 the National Football League will ban fans ejected from one stadium from attending games in other cities.

The league's security department also is recommending to owners that teams deploy hundreds of security cameras around their stadiums, use guest-services employees to patrol sections and radio in fan problems as they occur, said a report in Sports Business Journal.

The league will equip personnel ejecting fans with smart readers so they can input information about the fans. Through a centralized database, that information, perhaps including photos, will then be shared with other stadiums, the article said. Teams will get a list each week of fans banned from entering stadiums. The challenge is for the technology to provide enough information to stadium security to catch fans who are barred, it said.

Fans who are ejected must complete a course on fan conduct and then reapply for entry to the team that ejected them.

The universal ban comes in tandem with what NFL security officials hope is the deployment of thousands of cameras across NFL stadiums to capture misbehavior. Security could then call up that footage instantly after an incident to identify the guilty party, the article said.