The Department of Homeland Security is being questionned as to why it using roughly 1,000 rounds of ammunition more per person than the U.S. Army.

During a hearing, it was revealed that the department currently has more than 260 million rounds in stock. He said the department bought more than 103 million rounds in 2012 and used 116 million that same year -- among roughly 70,000 agents.

Comparing that with the small-arms purchases procured by the U.S. Army, DHS is reportedly churning through between 1,300 and 1,600 rounds per officer, while the U.S. Army goes through roughly 350 rounds per soldier.

Nick Nayak, chief procurement officer for the Department of Homeland Security, said that eespite reports that the department was trying to buy up to 1.6 billion rounds over five years, he said that is not true. He later clarified that the number is closer to 750 million, said Fox News.

 He said the department, on average, buys roughly 100 million rounds per year, said Fox News. He also said claims that the department is stockpiling ammo are "simply not true." Further, he countered claims that the purchases are helping create broader ammunition shortages in the U.S.

The department has long said it needs the bullets for agents in training and on duty, and buys in bulk to save money.