Olympic security officials said that testing is underway for the task of making the 2012 London Games safe -- trials that include testing body scan machines, communications equipment, response time and extra closed-circuit security cameras.

Testing events have already begun to allow security officials to gauge how well they're able to communicate between venues and Scotland Yard's headquarters, as well as how quickly they feed important data into a government system of dealing with potential crises, says an AP report.

The next big testing cluster of events will start Saturday and end next week, the report says. Teams will be on hand to test communications equipment and other systems during such events as sailing and beach volleyball -- events meant to test Olympic venues ahead of the games.

Authorities have identified 20 potential risks to the Olympics, the AP report says, and those include terrorism, serious crime -- specifically ticket fraud -- protests and natural disasters such as floods or heat waves.

British authorities will also be on alert for cybersecurity breaches. The government is investing an extra $1 billion in the country's electronic defenses since it was identified as one of the country's major security risks.

More than 300 screening points will be installed at Olympic venues, says the report, adding that officials hope the waiting time for spectators will be kept "within single digits," but say the time will largely depend on the venue and the crowds queuing for an event.

About 12,000 police officers will be on duty each day of the July 27-Aug. 12 games, which has a security budget of $770 million.