DHS Secretary Napolitano announced that 100 percent of passengers on flights within or bound for the United States are now being checked against government watchlists - fulfilling a key 9/11 Commission recommendation a month ahead of schedule. The TSA reached 100 percent watch list matching for all domestic airlines on June 22.
Under Secure Flight, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) prescreens passenger name, date of birth and gender against terrorist watchlists before passengers receive their boarding passes. In addition to facilitating secure travel for all passengers, the program helps prevent the misidentification of passengers who have names similar to individuals on government watchlists. Prior to Secure Flight, airlines held responsibility for checking passengers against watchlists.
“Each and every one of the security measures we implement serves an important goal: providing safe and efficient air travel for the millions of people who rely on our aviation system every day,” said Secretary Napolitano. “Secure Flight makes air travel safer for everyone by screening every passenger against the latest intelligence before a boarding pass is issued.”
Under Secure Flight, 99 percent of passengers are cleared to print boarding passes at home or at a self-serve kiosk. Individuals found to match watchlist parameters will be subject to secondary screening, a law enforcement interview or prohibition from boarding an aircraft, depending on the specific case. TSA says it deploys a risk-based, layered security approach that utilizes a range of measures, both seen and unseen, including advanced technology, law enforcement, intelligence, terrorist watchlist checks and international collaboration.