Chief information security officer (CISO) concerns were analyzed in a recent report by Portnox. According to the report, nearly all CISOs (99%) are worried about losing their positions if a breach occurs, with a striking 77% of CISOs being very or extremely concerned.

While MFA has become a cornerstone of many organizations' security strategies, 85% of CISOs expressed concerns that it's not keeping up with increasingly sophisticated attacks. Common issues include password fatigue, insider threats and phishing exploits. Passwordless authentication represents the agreed upon method for stronger security, but only 7% of organizations have fully implemented it, citing cost, complexity and employee resistance as key barriers.

Every CISO surveyed (100%) agreed that Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) has not fully lived up to its promise, with many organizations still in the early stages of adoption. As regulations like NIS2 loom, 90% of CISOs feel overwhelmed by constantly shifting compliance demands, making it difficult to ensure they're always up to date.

With 58% of CISOs unsure whether their cyber insurance policies adequately cover critical threats such as supply chain attacks, many organizations are left exposed to potentially devastating risks. Despite the challenges, 86% of CISOs are laser-focused on preventing breaches. However, many concede that their current defenses may not be enough to withstand today's advanced threats.

Read the report