According to a recent ThreatQuotient survey, 75% of security leaders say cybersecurity automation is important, up from 68% last year.

Additionally, a higher percentage of respondents are automating key areas of their cybersecurity program. In alert triage there are 30% now using automation compared to 18% in 2022. There has also been a 5% rise in the use of automation for vulnerability management. Overall, phishing analysis is the most common use case for automation in 2023, adopted by 31% of respondents.

According to the report, the top three automation challenges are lack of trust in outcomes, slow user adoption and bad decisions such as incorrectly blocking benign domain names or innocent emails. Insufficient budget, growing regulatory and compliance challenges and high team churn rates are the top three challenges facing cybersecurity teams.

Increasing efficiency is a main driver for cybersecurity automation for 41% of respondents, closely followed by regulation and compliance (38%) and increasing productivity (36.5%). Integration with multiple data sources (24%), training availability (23%) and automated reporting (21%) top the wish list for organizations when choosing cybersecurity automation solutions.

Read the full report here..