grid of security cameras with one row of white cameras

Image via Unsplash

Chicago Public Schools announces three-year camera investment plan

February 23, 2023

Chicago Public Schools launches a security camera investment plan to improve school safety. The plan calls for adding cameras to existing schools and updating systems that currently have outdated equipment in an effort to ensure that all District schools have the necessary technology to support the safety of students and staff.  

The District is prioritizing cameras for schools based on a scoring model that considers the following criteria: current camera condition, number of safety incidents taking place at the school, number of criminal incidents taking place in the vicinity of the school, the CPS Equity Opportunity Index and school enrollment. CPS schools with up-to-date systems will not be included in this program.

The implementation will be a phased-in approach across three years:

  • FY23: $13.5M across 63 schools
  • FY24: $30.9M across 135 schools
  • FY25: $31.9M across 133 schools

CPS also asked parents to alert the student’s school with safety concerns as soon as they come up.