Headshot image courtesy of West
AMA: Cybersecurity Leadership Edition — Meg West
For the inaugural episode of Security magazine's AMA (Ask Me Anything) video podcast series, Security sat down with Meg West, X-Force Cybersecurity Incident Response Consultant at IBM, to answer reader questions about everything from enterprise cybersecurity insights to career motivation and burnout.
Listen to the audio version right here below!
Or check it out on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Watch the video version on our website or YouTube channel!
In Security's AMA series, security leaders from all areas of the industry answer reader-submitted questions about their careers, in-depth security advice and more. To have your questions answered in an upcoming episode, drop a comment on our social posts promoting future episodes.
Have a question for a security design expert? Leave a comment on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter for the chance to get an answer in a future AMA episode.
The AMA video podcast series premieres on LinkedIn Live each month. Watch the next episode live on our LinkedIn page on September 7th.