Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The intersection of 5G, security and IoT 2.0
The world is fast approaching widespread adoption of AI and 5G and business leaders are realizing benefits in terms of growth, productivity, security, and operational insights.
The last few years have seen huge advancements in artificial intelligence, IoT and cellular networks.The recent rollout of 5G in tandem with more sophisticated artificial intelligence or AI-based technology has now provided a network of limitless possibilities in the world of business — from driving efficiencies to unlocking data-driven insights.
When it comes to security, the cloud and IoT laid the groundwork for self-maintained, highly secure security ecosystems which provide comprehensive physical security coverage. Now, with the addition of 5G, there are faster, more secure, and more stable connections between devices than its predecessor, allowing IoT devices to share data and communicate quicker than ever before.
In the latest 2022 Trends Report from STANLEY Security, 48% of respondents said that their businesses have already adopted 5G, and a further 48% are keen to adopt and realize the benefits of 5G.
These advancements in the connections between IoT-enabled devices will change the way businesses and organizations operate, and with those research findings above, a boom in 5G usage is almost certain.
The fifth industrial revolution
The world is fast approaching widespread adoption of AI and 5G, the likes of which is being described as our Fifth Industrial Revolution, and the excitement is permeating. Business leaders are continuing to realize the numerous benefits these technologies can offer in terms of growth, productivity and security, as well as the multitude of insights they can unlock. 5G will only work to improve the deployment and expansion of innovative IoT devices and will support their continued development as a key asset to influence and develop businesses.
Organizations seeking to improve security should look to leverage 5G technology to provide that can address immediate health and safety challenges. One of the major challenges with deploying large numbers of IoT devices in the past was scaling effectively. IoT devices and advanced security technology can offer advanced visibility over the safety of an organization’s assets and people but requires fast, dependable, and secure data flow to operate. This level of data flow is available now with the launch of 5G.
For example, by deploying real time location systems (RTLS technology) within a security ecosystem connected via 5G, security teams and business leaders can collect real-time data on the use of the organization’s devices, receiving constant updates on the location and security of assets across the region, country or globe. Tracking high-value items within a facility or across the supply chain, with staff alerts in the event of a location change, can help keep stock secure.
In addition to asset protection, using RTLS technology — bolstered by the widescale connectivity and accessibility of 5G — can be used to increase worker safety. RTLS tags serve as a wearable, personal alarm that help pinpoint where a vulnerable employee is, triggering swift intervention by colleagues and security personnel. If an employee is in duress, a button push can transmit a person’s location directly to security, allowing for a quick response.
Beyond security matters
Not only does the intersection of 5G, security and IoT offer improvements over security, but these technological advancements also offer an opportunity for the broader growth and development of organizations. In a time when business resilience is key and organizations need to be adaptable to survive, security executives and other business leaders should be looking to extract as much value from their existing investments as possible. The deployment of 5G can help drive these efficiencies.
Utilizing RTLS technology within an IoT network underpinned by 5G connectivity, can allow IT, management or inventory teams to quickly and accurately locate equipment, saving time spent on logging where each piece of inventory is at any given time, and informing staff when assets are unavailable or malfunctioning almost instantaneously. Organizations can quickly locate stock or identify faulty equipment before it’s too late, enhancing their capacity for risk management, and increasing their operating efficiency.
The adoption of 5G will also power a new generation of environmental monitoring for organizations. For example, with environmental monitoring, businesses can ensure that perishable goods don’t spoil as they pass through the supply chain by alerting staff to changes in humidity or temperature that approaches unsafe levels. In these use cases, to get the most benefit, it’s essential that devices are communicating quickly and seamlessly between each other with no latency issues, and that’s where a 5G network is invaluable.
It's an exciting time for the security industry with the intersection of 5G and IoT creating opportunities for an increasingly rich and powerful network of security systems, supporting businesses in their growth, and protecting their assets. And, as devices become smaller, faster and less expensive, the population of IoT will also grow exponentially, creating even further opportunities for security executives and business leaders to help protect and optimize their operations.