Prevent burnout with some lessons learned from golf
Even in the wake of Covid-19 and its effect on the world, business doesn’t stop. For many of us, having an extended “holiday” at home has only added more stress to our lives, and getting back to business means catching up what we missed.
At this point in time, whether you’re in a leadership position or an employee, it’s even more important to be aware of and do what we can to prevent burnout.
While we may not all have time to get in a round at the golf course while bringing business back up to speed, here are some lessons golf can teach us about preventing burnout.
#1 - Play With the Right People
When you’re on the golf course, the people you’re with have a lot to do with whether it’s a fun or a stressful experience! Nobody wants to play a round with the guy who complains all the time, or who criticizes your every shot.
The same is true in the workplace. While you can’t always choose who you work with or who you have to spend time with on the job, your colleagues can make a big difference to job satisfaction, which can, in turn, be a large factor in burnout.
Working with people who don’t share your vision, work well in a team, or contribute positively to company culture can cause stress on top of normal work pressure.
More stress just leads one more step down the path to burnout. On the other hand, working without supportive, passionate, and action-oriented people can spur you on when you’re feeling a little low.
Lesson: Surround yourself with positive people wherever possible.
#2 - Use Technology to Your Advantage
Golf is booming with new technologies that can do everything from analyzing your swing to giving you in-depth details about the course you’re about to play. Using these correctly can supercharge your game!
Similarly, there are technologies available in business that can make life easier. Struggling with time management? There’s an app for that. Need to streamline your business processes? Software is available. Not sure what the problem is? Data analytics can help you find out.
Choosing the right piece of software or app is important, though. You can’t tee off with a putter! Analyze where your business could do with some help and figure out exactly what you need before committing.
Lesson: Choosing the right technology can streamline your business and reduce stress.
#3 - Change Things Up
There’s a saying that says something along the lines of if you do things the same way as you’ve always done, expect to get the same results as you always have!
Playing the same round of golf at the same club at the same time every week won’t do much for your game. Complacency is easy to come by.
But switch it up and visit a different club, or play with a different partner, and you may notice that you feel a little more excited and into it.
If you’re feeling like you’re headed towards a burnout, the worst thing you can do is… Keep going!
See where you can mix things up a little. Work from home, or a nearby coffee shop. Sit at a different desk near other people in the office. Try a new way of doing your work.
Lesson: Make a change - your environment, people, or method.
#4 - Appreciate Your Environment
Have you ever seen a golf course that wasn’t beautiful? Rolling green hills, tall trees, and often, a spectacular view make golf courses some of the most peaceful and stunning environments around.
When last did you spend some time marveling at the view or the scenery when you played a round? In the same vein, when last did you look around your workplace and consider what you really like about it and give some gratitude?
It might sound ridiculous, but focusing on the positives around you can change your mindset and remind you of the good things in life (and work!).
Lesson: Make a note of what you’re grateful for in your working environment.
#5 - Time Off Is Okay
It’s okay to spend a couple of weeks away from the golf course. You may find yourself with a renewed vigor and excitement for the game when you get back!
Although society tends to suggest otherwise, it’s totally okay to take some time off if you’re feeling close to burnout.
Working through stress is necessary sometimes. But there comes a point where you can no longer separate yourself from it, even when you’re at home, or barbecuing over the weekend.
In fact, some time off may be necessary for your health!
Lesson: Time off is not only acceptable, but sometimes necessary.
Don’t wait until burnout knocks you flat before addressing the possibility of it! Take action on some of these lessons now if you want to avoid the dreaded big B down the line.