
Industry Groups Call for Consistent Definition of Critical Infrastructure

March 26, 2020

More than 100 business groups composed of manufacturers, distributors and supply chain products are calling for a a consistent definition of "critical infrastructure" from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

In addition to The American Chemistry Council (ACC), a letter was signed by groups including the American Cleaning Institute; the American Petroleum Institute; the Biotechnology Innovation Organization; the Consumer Brands Association; and the National Association of Manufacturers, as well as many others.

According to the ACC, "the DHS has made clear that the chemical manufacturing sector and its workers are identified as Essential Critical Infrastructure. The DHS guidance also explicitly states that those supporting the chemical and industrial gas supply chain, including those working in distribution, transportation, packaging, and maintenance are included, in addition to anyone supplying the production of protective cleaning and medical solutions, and personal protective equipment."

The groups called for states to adopt the definition of “critical infrastructure” as defined by DHS, commit to not create any barriers to the transportation of products from manufacturing facilities to retailers, and ensure that curfews do not impede a healthy workforce during necessary hours of operation for manufacturing facilities and retailers.

Overall, the letter urges: 1) national coordination; 2) prevention of artificial barriers to the safe shipment of goods; and, 3) freedom for a healthy workforce to get to and from manufacturing facilities and retailers during all necessary hours of operation.