
New Guideline on Duress and Panic Alarms and Response

June 10, 2019

The International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS) released a new industry guideline titled “Duress and Panic Alarms and Response” under the category of “Systems”.

The guideline was developed by the IAHSS Council on Guidelines. Dave Brown, Chair of the IAHSS Council on Guidelines, noted, “Modern technology, such as the use a panic and duress alarm systems, can enhance site safety on any size campus. The new Duress and Panic Alarm Guideline can assist in guiding security programs in the appropriate use of this technology.”

The guideline opens with the statement that “Duress and panic alarm systems may be used as an additional layer of protection within the healthcare environment. Implementation of duress and panic alarm systems should have a defined purpose with consideration for the location, activation, response, system maintenance and testing.”

For the guideline, click here