
N.H. First Responders to Make House Calls

February 22, 2019

Under NH Project FIRST “quick response teams” of first responders will visit an individual at home after an overdose call and offer to connect them with services at their local treatment center.

The First Responders Initiating Recovery, Support & Training program (Project FIRST) also encourages individuals to walk into any fire station and ask for help with substance use disorders. Teams also will teach family members how to use rescue breathing and Narcan to revive an overdose victim.

The program funded through the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The program is voluntary and those who want to participate have to agree to the initial home visit and any treatment services.

First responders who want to participate receive Division-sponsored training that will enhance their understanding of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Compassion Fatigue, and learn how to connect with at-risk individuals and their support systems.

According to the program, there is flexibility on how an organization (first responders) can implement the program in their community:
  • Follow-up Calls: follow-up visits after an overdose 24 hours to 72 hours post overdose;
  • Host Community Events: open to the public to learn about OUD and receive training on naloxone administration;
  • A Quick Response Team: a team of two or more responders from different area first responder/recovery entities that follow up with at-risk individuals post-overdose;
  • First responders can connect at-risk individuals and their support systems to various services such as support groups, healthcare agencies, social services, and faith-based groups.