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Dealing with Hostile Vehicles

August 11, 2017

There are a number of vehicle-borne threats: the use of a vehicle as a weapon and that are designed to result in death.

Multiple organizations have expressed concern over this tactic and voiced their concerns. And numerous reports about vehicle-borne threats are available online. One organization specifically noted a minimal planning and no prior experience or training that is required to carry-off such an attack.  The only component you need is a vehicle.

In the summer of 2016, multiple security organizations issued warnings that ISIS had sent a message to its supporters telling them to run over "disbelievers." This has led to some reports that have stated vehicles are rapidly becoming the weapon of choice for terrorists.  

Even more, a hostile employee or contractor could launch an assault on your facility, or your facility could become a terrorist target. In a building complex, it may have absolutely nothing to do with your organization, but your employees or visitors still may fall victim.

The following are the three areas that seem to provide the best mitigation for the growing threat posed by hostile-vehicles. In rental or multi-tenant facilities, work with building/facility management and local law enforcement organization to assess and mitigate best possible solutions.

Manage Vehicle Access – evaluate what measure can be put in place to limit access to vehicles with legitimate reasons for access to your facilities.

Slow the Traffic – work with building and facilities management and possible local authorities to slow the traffic in your area.

Security Barriers – use substantial protective barriers to protect areas that are susceptible to a hostile-vehicle attack. Active barrier solutions may be an option that should be explored. If you rent office space check with the building management about protection if you feel it is necessary and document it!

NOTE:  The UK government published guidance on protective barriers in 2011: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/4389/1-11.pdf

In addition, the use of a vehicle to run over people is not the only vehicle based threat that may need to be addressed. A robust assessment and plan should be developed, or if one already exists, it should be reviewed and updated. In addition, the hackability of vehicles is an increasing concern.  A hacker could take control of a vehicle and use it as a weapon to remotely run over individuals. 

Overall, physical perimeter security must continuously be evaluated and updated to reduce vehicle-borne threat risks.