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NYC Launches 'See Something, Send Something' Smartphone App

November 24, 2015

New York Gov. Cuomo announced a new smartphone app that will allow New Yorkers to report suspicious activity.

Dubbed the “See Something, Send Something,” campaign, the app is available by download and will allow people to send a photo or written note to the state police Intelligence Center, where its credibility can be examined and referred to the proper law enforcement agency if necessary.

The free app, which can be downloaded on iPhones and Androids, should be used to report suspicious behavior or specific situations like an unattended backpack in a public place, not simply hunches.

The state will promote the new app through public service announcements played at motor vehicle offices and service areas along state highways.

“It is important to remember that all New Yorkers have a role in keeping our state safe,” said state Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner John Melville.

In the wake of the latest wave of global terrorism, Cuomo also announced that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority will hire 46 more specially trained police officers, at a cost of about $3 million, to increase counterterrorism efforts at Grand Central Terminal, Penn Station and throughout the metro area railroad systems.
