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Passenger Survey Highlights Security, Passport Control and Baggage Collection as Most Negative Airport Touch-Points

June 10, 2015

A survey says that passengers feel more negative emotions at the airport security checkpoint and during the baggage collection process than at any other points during the travel process.

SITA's annual Passenger IT Trends Survey asked 5,800 survey respondents to rate their last travel experience through each step of the journey in terms of positive emotions (happiness/excitement) and negative emotions (anger/anxiety) based on Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions model.

According to the results, airport security (36 percent negative) evokes the most negative emotions, and bag collection upon arrival (31 percent negative) is second. Twenty-five percent of passengers also reported feeling negative emotions at passport control and bag drop (21 percent negative).

Nine percent of passengers felt negative emotions during the booking process, 14 percent during check-in, 11 percent when tagging their bags, 5 percent during dwell time before boarding, 12 percent during the boarding process and 9 percent once onboard the aircraft.

As for mobile technology, the survey found that 72 percent would use their smartphone to view flight updates, 63 percent would definitely opt to receive bag collection updates, 60 percent would use their device for access (including accessing lounges and boarding the aircraft), 59 percent would use their smartphone for identification purposes, and 57 percent would use their smartphone to view airport maps and directions.

The full survey is at http://www.sita.aero/globalassets/docs/surveys--reports/passenger-it-trends-survey-2015.pdf




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