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Frequent Flyers Give TSA Failing Grade For the Second Year Running

October 3, 2013

Eighty-five percent of frequent flyers think that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is doing either a poor or fair job in performing security screenings at the nation's airports, according to a new survey of frequent flyers conducted by Frequent Business Traveler magazine.

The survey finds that the typical American frequent flyer continues to hold the TSA in fairly low regard with 65.6 percent of respondents indicating the TSA's screening procedures are either not effective or not too effective at preventing acts of terrorism on an aircraft.  In contrast, 26.6 percent indicated the procedures are somewhat effective, 6.8 percent said very effective, and 1.2 percent said extremely effective.

A total of 2,415 respondents took part in the online survey conducted from August 9 through September 10 in partnership with FlyerTalk, the world's largest online travel community.

Other Key Findings

  • Nearly 45 percent stated they were not satisfied with their last security experience; 29.6 percent said they were either satisfied, very satisfied, or extremely satisfied.
  • Slightly less than half (46.2 percent) said that the TSA was doing a poor job in airport security screening, 38.2 percent rated it fair, 14.7 percent rated it good, and only one percent rated the agency's work as excellent.
  •  Nearly half (45.9 percent) of survey respondents have used PreCheck, the TSA trusted traveler security lanes. Eighty percent of those who have used the service reported they were either satisfied, very satisfied or extremely satisfied with the experience.

Frequent Business Traveler conducted a similar survey last year where the TSA's negative ratings were higher. This year, the administration received improved marks in every category – the amount of frequent flyers who found the TSA to be doing a poor or fair job in airport security screenings dropped by five percentage points.  The percentage of survey respondents who found the TSA's efforts ineffective at preventing acts of terrorism dropped by ten percentage points as we., In recalling their latest experience, 21 percent fewer flyers were dissatisfied with their most recent TSA encounter.

Nearly twice as many travelers reported taking part in the TSA's PreCheck trusted traveler program, a figure that likely plays into the increased satisfaction rate among survey participants.  In addition, a greater percentage of PreCheck participants reported being very satisfied with the program: 80 percent were satisfied or very satisfied compared to last year's 73 percent.

The complete results of the study are at http://accura.cc/3f3vpf.