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The Week in Review: December 15-21

December 21, 2012

Happy Fridays and Happy Holidays, Security readers.

This is our last Week in Review of 2012, and it’s a varied one. So whether you’re waiting in an airport, sitting on a train or just waiting for that Christmas ham to finish baking, we have an article for you!

Increasing Security Officer Efficiency with Extra Training: Every job has new hire orientation – you get the employee handbook; discuss the dress code and benefits; take the tour of your new workplace. But for security officers, training usually doesn’t stop there. Security officers have to be the front line of an organization’s security force, prepared with all the tools necessary to handle the worst situations.

Predicting Security’s Next Moves in 2013: As we enter 2013, it’s time for a few predictions. Here are Security publisher Mark McCourt’s eight contributions to the New Year’s security forecast.

2012 Security 500 Rankings: The Security 500 tracks 18 vertical markets and collects unique data where appropriate (such as patients in healthcare) and applies this data to key metrics.  

Using Asset Tracking for Security and Business:  The bottom line may be Wrangler Jeans. Just as security and business applications are blending together through technology, asset tracking, especially in retail, is fitting into enterprises as snug as a pair of blue jeans.

Homeland Security Releases Active Shooter Response Recommendations: In the aftermath of the mass shooting at the movie theater in Aurora, Colo., that killed 12 and left 58 injured, renewed attention is being given to the active shooter survival plan resources released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

How Security Can Add Value and Mitigate Risk in 2013: Here’s a sure-bet, good news 2013 prediction: No more political ads on TV, at least for a while. Still, next year will hold plenty of ups and downs for enterprise security leaders, which include innovations that will help you to reduce enterprise risk. The Tonight Show’s Jay Leno and CEO Gary Shapiro know. Researcher Michela Menting and economist Bart van Ark have their perspectives on the near future as does Gartner Fellow David Cearley

The Top 10 Open Video Management Systems: In the video surveillance market today there is a plethora of Video Management Systems (VMS). Some are unique that serve very niche markets, while others are the dominate players or market leaders, and in between are the up and coming systems that are challenging the market leaders. In all of these solutions there is one principle: to provide a tool that aids the security professional in the efficient and effective use of surveillance equipment.

Connecticut School Shooting: Principal Recently Installed New Security System: Principal Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, killed in today's shooting at her Connecticut elementary school, recently installed a new security system to ensure student safety, says a CNN report.

Securing Doors in Schools, Hospitals and Detention Centers: Many institutions have been haunted by the memories of disastrous shootings and tragedies where, among other things, access control went wrong: Columbine, Virginia Tech, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. So now, in certain organizations, including schools, hospitals and corrections facilities, choosing a strong locking system is both entirely compulsory and infinitely complicated.


What were your favorite articles of 2012? Which ones helped you in your role the most? Let us know in the comments section below, or you can email me directly at meyerc@bnpmedia.com


Thanks so much for following us so faithfully, and we’ll continue to do our best in providing you with current, relevant and useful content in our 50thYear in Print!!!!!

Happy Holidays,

Claire Meyer, Security Associate Editor