Security Newswire

Banks Lost $35 Million to Robberies in 2010

April 6, 2011

 The FBI says that there were more than 5,500 bank robberies nationally last year that netted robbers more than $43 million. Less than $9 million was recovered and returned to banks.

The 2010 Bank Crime Statistics says that between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010, there were 5,546 robberies, 74 burglaries, eight larcenies, and 13 extortions of financial institutions1 reported. The number is down from 2009, when 6,065 cases were reported.

The most popular day for a bank robbery was Friday. The most popular time for a robbery was 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

The report shows that loot was taken in 91 percent of all bank robberies. The most common method was for the robber or robbers to pass a note to a teller. Demanding cash was second.

Guns were only used in 1,445 incidents and fired 71 times. Explosives were used or threatened to be used in five incidents.

The report notes that 61 of the robberies took place at the drive through, according to the statistics. Hostages were taken in 31 bank robberies, leaving 106 people hurt and 16 people dead.

The largest number of bank robberies happened in metropolitan areas and a very small minority took place in rural areas.