Security Newswire

Springfield, MO Airport Wants to Opt Out of TSA

January 27, 2011

The Springfield-Branson National Airport wants to opt out of TSA security and go to a private company.

The move could affect jobs and those working for TSA, but the airport says it wants to refocus on customers and making flying more enjoyable.

More than 1,000 people a day make their way through Springfield airport security. The pat downs and pre-screening won't ever change, but customer service could, says Gary Cyr, director of avaiation.

"We want to have the best customer service we can with the folks," says Cyr. "If we can do something to tweak that experience, we wish to do that."

A decision won't likely be made for another year, but airport staff say if they have the choice, private is their preference. All of the federal guidelines will stay the same. Passengers will still have to remove shoes, get screened, and even patted down. TSA would oversee the private company financially, so it wouldn't cost the airport any money.