ASIS Alert: Mike Howard of Microsoft Global Security & David Gibbs of SafirRosetti to Speak at Dallas ASIS Seminar
Global Security: Converting the Dream Into an Integrated Global Program” Mike
Howard and David Gibbs have been selected to speak at the ASIS International
Seminar & Exhibits in Dallas Texas, Oct 13, 2010. Session 3311 at 4:30 PM
presentation will review how Microsoft Global Security: Converting the Dream
Into an integrated Global Program.
strategic “Zero Based” planning, and resulting streamlined security solution,
efficient and cost effective Global Security Operations Center (GSOC), is using
off-the-shelf tools that integrated automation and integrity of the Security
Department. What were the business drivers that lead to the approval of the
business case? How can you “map” these to your company? Smart strategic
planning created an opportunity for Microsoft Security to implement a global
converged approach to physical security, based on a foundation of information
technology. Using standard, off-the-shelf software applications and the
existing network provided the keystone for the success.
the results of Microsoft ability to monitor its entire enterprise from
centralized GSOC locations, and still respond and dispatch personnel where
needed throughout the world, thus enabling remote monitoring, precision
response, and global interoperability. Implementing and monitoring physical
security for an enterprise the size of Microsoft can be cumbersome and
expensive. Traditional approaches to physical security are inefficient and
difficult to manage effectively on a global scale. By building a strategy for
physical security that relies on standard off-the shelf products and the
existing IP networking infrastructure,
has been able to realize substantial cost savings, improved security. Gain
insight into the tools, example scenarios, and lessons learned in the planning
and deployment of this sustainable, predictable, and effective global physical
security model.