Violent Crime Dropped in 2009
September 13, 2010
Nationwide, more than 1.3 million violent crimes were reported last year, according to the FBI's annual report on violent crime, or slightly fewer than 430 offenses for every 100,000 individuals. The overall drop of 5.3 percent in violent crime and a total decline in reported property crimes of 4.6 percent for 2009 occurred during a recession.
Murders declined nationwide by 7.3 percent, but the number of murders in Detroit, Michigan, jumped from 306 to 365. Murders were also up in Newark, New Jersey, and Baltimore, Maryland. Robbery dropped by 8.0 percent compared with 2008, according to the report, and aggravated assault declined by 4.2 percent. Forcible rape dropped 2.6 percent. Property crimes, according to the FBI, dropped for the seventh straight year in 2009.
Nationwide, slightly more than 9.3 million property crimes were reported. Motor vehicle thefts plunged more than 17 percent, while larceny fell 4.0 percent and the estimated number of burglaries dropped 1.3 percent.
The FBI estimated that law enforcement officials made roughly 13.7 million arrests last year, not including arrests for traffic violations. Excluding totals for arson, property crime victims lost an estimated $15.2 billion last year.
Officials did not release an estimate for hate crimes, which are compiled for a separate report.