FDIC’s Top Five Fraud Threats Show Counterfeit Checks Still a Worry
chief of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Cyber Fraud and Financial
Crimes Section recently released his top five list of fraud threats of concern
to the FDIC: 1. Malware and Botnets; 2. Phishing; 3. Data Breaches; 4.
Counterfeit Checks; 5. Mortgage Fraud. Malware and Botnets are software agents
or robots that take over a user’s computer are often the root causes of
commercial payments fraud, i.e. corporate account takeover. Phishing has
evolved from badly-written, bogus e-mails to well-crafted assaults via e-mail,
telephone and text message. While most data breaches have occurred on the
merchant and payments processor sides of the business, financial institutions
are still deeply impacted by these losses. Although circulation of fake checks
continues to drop, counterfeit check fraud remains prevalent. Mortgage fraud
crimes committed against financial institutions, as well as mortgage rescue
scams that affect consumers and mortgage holders, continue to plague the
financial market.