
Perimeter security system stops vandalism and theft at electric distributor

April 1, 2010

Located in a high crime rate section of South Dallas, the Wall Street Substation operated by Texas’ largest distributor of electric power was subject to rampant break-ins, vandalism and theft. It required a perimeter security system that would deter would-be attackers and defend its property.

The Dallas substation perimeter barrier, approximately 1,100 linear feet, was constructed using expanded metal mesh, installed on Allied SS40 and SS30 framework of high-strength steel posts and rails. All steel elements were galvanized to ensure a long service life of the barrier. Surveillance equipment was installed atop extended fence posts, with the cabling integrated directly into the posts and rails of the Guardian Fence System by Payne, supplied by Betafence USA. 
Allied Razor Ribbon brand barbed tape concertina was incorporated into the interior of the barrier at the top, center, and base of the perimeter fence as further deterrence to unauthorized entry.

“With the increased awareness of security, especially in light of new government regulations affecting a wide range of industries, we are working with many industrial facilities to upgrade their physical security barriers,” says John Payne, president and CEO of Betafence USA.