Arizona Governor Unveils Border Security Plan
April 23, 2010
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer unveiled a Border Security Plan that asks the Federal government to fund the deployment of 250 additional National Guard troops to the border. It also includes increased National Guard aerial patrolling, annual military exercises in regions along the border, increased economic and logistical support for local law enforcement, and an improved border county interaction and federal agency partnership.
"The federal government has failed in its obligation and moral responsibility to secure our border," said Governor Brewer. "A government's principle responsibility to its citizens is to provide safety and security. States have never been expected, even in prosperous economic times, to sustain the national defense of our borders. With the resources we have today, I am doing everything within my power to ensure and promote safety for our citizens along our southern border."
Brewer has also asked for an increase to current helicopter aerial surveillance operations. She estimates an increase of 70-80 additional missions through September.
The Governor has directed $10 million of discretionary federal stimulus dollars to local law enforcement grants for the border, for a program entitled the Border Security Enhancement Program (BSEP). BSEP will provide flexible grants to allow local and tribal law enforcement agencies to provide more enhanced border security efforts.