
Greater Precision of Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Lures More End Users

July 2, 2010

Throughout the world, the awareness of the reliability and affordability of perimeter protection systems has been fueled by growing risks facing the critical infrastructure sector and rising costs associated with manned guarding services. This awareness has successfully paved the way to the adoption of Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems (PIDS), says a report by Frost & Sullivan.
The report finds that the market earned revenues of $230.4 million in 2009, and estimates this to reach $338.4 million by 2016. Growing demand within developing countries to secure critical infrastructures is expected to lead to the increased adoption worldwide of PIDS via medium- to small-sized commercial applications in the next few years, it says.
Although the economic recession and lack of regulations initially subdued the widescale spread of PIDS, it is expected that the market will witness a sound increase in its revenues from 2013 onwards. This boost is anticipated to result from technological breakthroughs and improvements in perimeter detection capabilities - improvements which are designed to reduce false alarms and secure the probability of detection, says the report.
End users are increasingly lured by the layered approach of combining multiple sensor technologies; for example, combining fences with buried or free-standing sensors and video, says the report. This approach complements the various technologies and helps overcome operational challenges.



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