ID Theft Still on the Rise, But Victims Respond Faster
The 2010 Identity Fraud Survey Report – released this week by Javelin
Strategy & Research – found that the number of identity fraud victims in
the United States increased 12 percent to 11.1 million adults in 2009, while
the total annual fraud amount increased by 12.5 percent to $54 billion . The
report found that protection of data by consumers and businesses and enlisting
assistance in resolution are helping consumers and businesses resolve fraud
more quickly, and are also reducing or eliminating costs for the consumer.
Average fraud resolution time dropped 30 percent to 21 hours, and nearly half
of victims now file police reports, resulting in double the reported arrests,
triple the prosecutions, and double the percentage of convictions in 2009.
Now in its seventh consecutive year, the comprehensive identity
fraud survey report is independently produced by Javelin Strategy &
Research and co-sponsored by leading companies in financial services and
identity fraud prevention technology and resolution. Co-sponsors in 2009
include Fiserv, Inc., Intersections Inc., Wells Fargo & Company and ITAC,
the Identity Theft Assistance Center. The survey is the nation’s
longest-running study of identity fraud, with more than 29,000 U.S. respondents
over the past seven years. Identity fraud is defined as the unauthorized use of
another person’s personal information to achieve illicit financial gain. In
November 2009, Javelin conducted telephone interviews with more than 5,000 U.S.
consumers to identify and track the methods fraudsters used, the impact of
fraud on Americans and how these findings can help consumers most effectively
avoid becoming victims of fraud.
“The 2010 Identity Fraud Survey Report shows that fraud increased for the
second straight year and is at the highest rate since Javelin began this report
in 2003 ,” said James Van Dyke, president and founder, Javelin Strategy &
Research. “The good news is consumers are getting more aggressive in
monitoring, detecting and preventing fraud with the help of technology and
partnerships with financial institutions, government agencies and resolution
services. Through and our free consumer report, Javelin and our
co-sponsor partners are working to educate consumers and provide guidelines and
tips to help them safeguard their personal information.”
Other findings in this year’s report reinforce the trend that fraudsters are
becoming increasingly savvy with technology and are using personal information
stolen in data breaches to open new accounts or to make changes to existing
non-card accounts. Financial institutions and businesses are countering this by
minimizing the use of Social Security numbers in account information and more
proactively monitoring and notifying customers of possible fraudulent activity.
While consumers are monitoring their accounts more frequently using
technologies such as online banking and mobile alerts, consumer education on
protection and prevention measures such as keeping anti-virus software up to
date will continue to be important.
Key Survey Findings:
Fraud is Up, but Consumer Costs and Resolution Hours Drop – The
number of identity fraud incidents increased by 12 percent over 2008, reaching
the highest level since the survey started in 2003. Javelin believes this may be
due to the economic downturn, when historically, higher rates of fraud occur.
However, during 2009 there was a drop in fraud costs per victim and a decrease
in time to resolution, thanks to increased consumer awareness, assistance
provided by financial institutions, consumer support organizations, and law
Increase in New Account Fraud – Identity fraud that resulted from
fraudsters opening new accounts with stolen information increased in 2009. The
number of fraudulent new credit card accounts increased to 39 percent of all
identity fraud victims, up from 33 percent in 2008. New online accounts opened
fraudulently more than doubled over the previous year, and the number of new
e-mail payment accounts increased 12 percent. This year for the first time, the
survey asked about new mobile phone account fraud and 29 percent of victims
reported new mobile phone accounts were fraudulently opened.
Data Breaches Across Various Industries Continue to Compromise
Personal Information – Identification most likely to be compromised in a data
breach continues to be Full Name (63 percent) and Physical Address (37
percent). With a year-over-year increase of 4 percent, Health Insurance
Information is increasingly targeted. The percentage of Social Security numbers
compromised decreased to 32 percent from 38 percent in 2008.
Fraudsters Target Existing Credit Cards – 75 percent of existing
card fraud incidents came from credit cards, an increase of 12 percent over
2008. In contrast, existing debit card fraud incidents decreased two percent
and represented 33 percent of total existing card fraud in 2009.
Proactive Consumers are Catching Thieves – Half of all victims
filed a police report, resulting in more arrests and convictions. Victims
became more vigilant in reporting identity fraud, and reported this resulted in
an arrest rate twice last year’s rate, and a prosecution rate that tripled
compared to 2008. These findings indicate greater success using
information provided by consumers, banks and credit card providers to detect,
catch and convict criminals.
18 to 24 Year Olds are Slowest to Detect Fraud – Millennials
(consumers aged 18 to 24 years old) take nearly twice as many days to detect
fraud, compared to other age groups, and thus are fraud victims for longer periods
of time. Millennials were found to be the least likely group to monitor
accounts regularly and take advantage of monitoring programs offered by
financial institutions. However, Millennials were the most likely group to take
action such as installing anti-malware software when they discover fraud.
Small Business Should Exercise Caution – Small business owners
suffered identity fraud at one-and-a-half times the rate of other adults. This
appears to be due to the fact that small office / home office business owners
use personal accounts when making business transactions and make more
transactions than typical adults.
Criminals are conducting more identity fraud,
but consumer costs and resolution times are down and online and mobile tools
are helping
Identity fraud increased in 2009 and the number of fraud victims in the U.S.
grew to 4.8 percent of the population, adding up to a projected total of
$54 billion in crime.
Financial institutions, businesses and government agencies are helping prevent
fraud, protect consumer identities and respond to fraud incidents. As a result,
consumers are benefitting. Banks are continually providing more
behind-the-scenes customer and analytic tools for safer electronic and
traditional banking. They are investing in identity fraud monitoring,
intelligent fraud engines to detect account access and payment anomalies, and
resolution and education services, typically offering these services free to
customers. Banks are also increasingly offering mobile banking solutions, which
allow monitoring and alerts in near-real-time that proactively notify customers
when account activity and possible fraud occurs. These partnerships and
increased activism on the behalf of consumers resulted in consumer out of
pocket costs being at an all-time low of $373 in 2009. Consumer out of
pocket costs refer to unreimbursed loses, legal fees and actual lost wages. The
typical out of pocket cost for a consumer fraud victim is zero, due to
guarantees provided by financial institutions.
Technology is empowering
consumers against fraudsters, but consumers need to take precautions
Electronic account monitoring and services provided by financial institutions
through partnerships are allowing consumers to become increasingly vigilant
when it comes to detecting and resolving identity fraud. Consumers are adopting
best practices in safeguarding their personal and private information by
reviewing electronic statements and fraud alerts sent to e-mail accounts and
mobile devices, and not responding to e-mail requests for personal information
such as “phishing.” Monitoring for fraudulent activities with a mobile device
allows consumers to review and report identity fraud in near-real-time, which
can result in lower victim costs and faster detection times.
Millennials lead all age groups in using technology to resolve identity fraud,
but only after a fraudulent incident has occurred. They are most likely to
install anti-malware software after fraud has been committed. They widely use
online banking and bill pay and are quick to adopt mobile banking.
While technology is helping consumers to monitor, detect and resolve identity
fraud, consumers should be vigilant about safeguarding their personal
information online and offline. Consumers can leverage technologies that are
available through their financial institutions to help protect their
information. Consumers should follow best practices and change passwords
regularly, refrain from sharing passwords or other account information, lock
computers and safeguard personal information, use a paper shredder to destroy
paper account documents, keep anti-virus software up to date on their personal
computers, and use discretion when sharing information on e-commerce sites.
Mobile banking and mobile commerce are not as yet widely susceptible to fraud,
however consumers should apply the same practices to those channels as well.
Consumers can play a key role
in preventing, detecting and resolving identity fraud committed against them
This year’s Identity Fraud Report found that more consumers are pursuing legal
action following identity fraud, with nearly 50 percent of all victims filing
police reports. Empowered consumers are leading to more arrests, prosecutions
and convictions. Most consumers are actively monitoring accounts for suspicious
activity and fraud and are acting faster when fraud is detected.
All consumers need to better secure their private information. Perpetrators who
are known to victims committed more non-card and new accounts fraud in 2009. Reasons
for this include theft of physical documents from places such as desks and
mailboxes, sharing computers with friends and family, storing online account
passwords and using auto-login, and using simple, guessable passwords.
Consumer Recommendations for
Prevention, Detection and Resolution™ of Identity Fraud
1. Prevent
Criminal Access by Protecting your Paper Documents
Keep sensitive information from prying eyes. Request electronic
statements, use direct deposit, and don’t put checks in an unlocked mailbox.
When your Social Security number is requested as an identifier in paper
documents, ask if you can provide alternate information. At home or work,
secure your personal and financial records in a locked storage device—last
year, at least 13% of all identity crimes were committed by someone previously
known to the victim. Shred any sensitive paper documents.
Prevent High-Tech Criminal Access
Install anti-virus software on your computer and keep it updated
along with your applications and operating system.
Secure your electronic personal and financial records on your
computer behind a password.
Never respond to requests for personal or account information
online (or over the phone). Watch out for convincing imitations of banks, card
companies, charities and government agencies in the mail, on the Web, over the
phone, or on your mobile device. Use legitimate sources to contact financial
institutions, such as an official website or the telephone number listed on
statements and the back of bank or credit cards.
Don’t publish your birth date, mother’s maiden name, pet’s name or
other identifying and personal information on social media websites.
Use unique and hard-to-guess passwords, including for your
wireless Internet connection, and don’t access secure Web sites using public
Install security patches and software updates as soon as they are
released by verified sources. For phones, turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi if they
are not being used.
Detect Unauthorized Activity in Existing Accounts
Monitor current available bank and credit card account balances at
least weekly, via online, mobile, ATM, or touch-tone banking. Sign up for
alerts to be sent to your mobile phone or e-mail account. Javelin’s study of
5,000 adults finds 43 percent of all reported identity fraud cases are spotted
by consumers self-monitoring their accounts and those who use more timely
electronic methods to detect fraud experience lower average out-of-pocket
Detect Fraudulent Establishment of New Accounts.
Monitor your credit reports and non credit account information to
spot unauthorized activity. Free credit reports from each of the three major
credit bureaus are available each year through or
877-322-8228. Optional fee-based services, such as more extensive monitoring of
credit information, personal identity records and Social Security numbers offer
timely and thorough protection.
If you receive a letter notifying you that your private records
were involved in a data breach, 1) confirm the letter is legitimate 2) take
advantage of any free protection services that are offered and 3) place a fraud
alert on your credit report. A fraud alert requires lenders to make sure it is
actually you applying for credit. One in four letters are followed by actual
fraud, yet many who are alerted fail to take action.
Resolve Identity Fraud Completely
Work through your bank, credit union or protection services
provider to report problems immediately and take advantage of your financial
provider’s offers of loss protections (all large financial institutions offer
zero-liability for debit and credit cards and many provide the same protection
for online banking and bill pay).