
Florida Launches Transportation Worker Credentialing System for Seaports

April 7, 2008

After ISC -- The state of Florida has successfully deployed GE’s Identity Commander™ solution to all 12 deepwater seaports and its Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Tallahassee headquarters as the basis for an operational transit worker identity card system.

Identity Commander, an integrated identity and credential-management security platform, supports the production of a worker identification credential based on the federal-government-approved PIV II specifications. GE’s solution delivers biometrically enabled enrollment, credential personalization and issuance capabilities. In tandem with biometric identity management from ImageWare Systems, Inc. (AMEX: IW), it is biometrically based in order to be compliant with anticipated federal credentialing programs. The statewide solution employs fixed and mobile card readers that have proven to be a challenge elsewhere.

“In support of the evolving federal credentialing program, GE Security’s Identity Commander is already providing Florida ports with a comprehensive solution that supports and manages the issuance of smart cards,” said Dean Seavers, president and CEO, GE Security. “This scalable and interoperable solution works with existing smart cards and is helping better secure Florida’s ports. ”

GE Security was selected as the vendor of choice to manage port credentials for Florida in a bid process in 2001. The GE system was subsequently upgraded to work with either the state FUPAC or the federal TWIC, a solution that fits both federal and state guidelines.

GE Security’s Identity Commander, combined with ImageWare’s biometric identity management and secure credentialing technology, enables support for biometric enrollment, identification and verification, and identity proofing, as well as card management and issuance of the biometrically enabled secure FUPAC badges.