
Biometrics Receives GSA Qualifications

October 9, 2006

Bioscrypt Inc., a leading provider of identity verification technology, recently announced that the General Services Administration (GSA) for use in the United States government’s Personal Identity Verification (PIV) program has qualified its fingerprint algorithms. With the GSA listing, Bioscrypt’s fingerprint algorithms are now qualified to create the ANSI 378 templates required for PIV card issuance and for cardholder verification.

In addition to GSA approved fingerprint algorithms, Bioscrypt will also address FIPS 201 access control requirements with its Veri-Series readers for physical access control as well as its VeriSoft software application for logical access control.

“We believe the FIPS 201 requirements are tailor made for Bioscrypt solutions as they incorporate the products we have brought together to form our Door to Desktop technology. The opportunity exists to sell our biometric algorithm for use at the point of credential issuance; our readers for physical access control; and our software for logical access control,” said Robert L. Williams, President and CEO of Bioscrypt. “Our ability to sell our Veri-Series readers has positioned us as the market share leader in the biometric physical access control market as recognized by third party consulting firm Frost and Sullivan, and we plan on leveraging this position as we bring FIPS 201 compliant readers to market. We have also begun to position our VeriSoft application for this opportunity having already integrated the product with one of our partner’s end-to-end FIPS 201 solution.