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Image courtesy of Scott McHugh

Navigating political polarization in the workplace

Listen to Scott McHugh, retired CSO at LyondellBasell Chemical Company and Faculty at Rice University, in this podcast episode.

June 12, 2024

In this episode of The Security Podcasts featuring Scott McHugh, retired CSO at LyondellBasell Chemical Company and Faculty at Rice University, we discuss the challenges security leaders face when navigating political polarization in the workplace.

"This is actually not a new phenomenon," Scott McHugh says. "It really started in the late '90s, in the Clinton administration, and it's just been manifesting itself through the years ever since then. And it's become much more of a problem in the workplace, because these political polarization discussions have become a zero sum game, in which one side feels they haven't been able to win if the other side didn't lose. And that's not really what you're seeking as far as workplace conversations."

Listen to the episode here!

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