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95% of executives say AI initiatives will fail without training

December 5, 2023

Organization's readiness for artificial intelligence (AI) was analyzed in a recent report by Pluralsight. Ninety-two percent of participants say that their organization has accelerated AI initiatives in the last 12 months. However, according to the survey, 80% of executives and 72% of IT practitioners agree that their organizations often invest in new technology without considering the training employees need to use it. Ninety percent of surveyed executives admitted that they don't completely understand their teams' AI skill level and proficiency.

Although 81% of technologists said they are confident about integrating AI into their roles, 12% of those same technologists feel they have significant experience working with AI. Ninety-five percent of executive and 94% IT professionals agree that AI initiatives will fail in the absence of skilled teams that can effectively use and work with these tools. 

The report also revealed that organizations often encounter barriers that prevent them from implementing successful AI upskilling programs. The most common challenges they face are finding the right training (42%) and ensuring the training is the right fit for the AI tool (49%). 

Read the full report here.