According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the average cost of damage from a winter storm is $3 billion, inclusive of business interruptions. And with no control over Mother Nature, organizations are left to figure out how they can best minimize damage from adverse weather.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe announced the allocation of more than $6.1 million of federal grant programs to enhance emergency preparedness and security throughout the Commonwealth.
Not that long ago, “major” events seemed relatively rare and seared themselves into the public’s consciousness. People remembered exactly where they were when JFK was assassinated, when the first plane struck the Twin Towers on 9/11, and when a gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Sports venues for many years have been on the lookout for weapons like guns and knives at their entrance ways, and it would probably be very difficult for a bad actor to enter a stadium with a nuclear warhead.
The subject of security at sports venues usually revolves around traditional violence-related concerns like terrorism, active shooter or possibly drunken and rowdy fans getting into brawls.
This article addresses lessons learned from selected mass casualty terror attacks in Western Europe (Nice, Paris, Brussels and Oslo) and the United States (Orlando, San Bernardino and Boston).
The US has made progress in preparing for disasters and other large-scale emergencies that pose risks to health and well-being, although gaps remain in some key areas.
Catastrophic fires that result in property damage costing at the least $10 million, otherwise known as large-loss fires, are a growing concern due to inefficient fire protection systems and climate change.
A student missing after a catastrophic earthquake, a bus carrying students is involved in a fatal accident in an area with no cellphone connectivity, or a terrorist attack closes a major international airport – each of these realistic scenarios can quickly turn an exciting study abroad program into a personal and organizational crisis.